In the world of fifteen-year-old Raim, you tie a knot for every promise you make. Break that promise and the knot will burst into flames, scarring your skin and forever marking you as an oathbreaker. Raim has worn a simple knot around his wrist for as long as he can remember. No one seems to know where it came from or which promise it symbolizes, and Raim barely thinks about it at all--especially not since he became the most promising young fighter ever to train for the elite Yun guard. But on the day that he binds his life to that of his best friend (and the future king), Khareh, the rope ignites and sears a dark mark into his skin. Scarred now as an oathbreaker, Raim has two options: run or be killed. He chooses to run, taking refuge in the vast desert among a colony of exiled oathbreakers. Will he be able to learn the skills he needs to clear his name? And even if he can, how can he keep a promise he never knew he made in the first place?
about the author...
”A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies,” said Jojen. “The man who never reads lives only one.”
– A Dance with Dragons, George R.R. Martin
– A Dance with Dragons, George R.R. Martin

After a year out backpacking around Africa, Australia, New Zealand and South-East Asia (you can read her travel blog here), she moved back to London, UK, to find a job in publishing. After three years at HarperVoyager, where she worked on some of the top SF&F brands in publishing, she moved to Penguin Random House Children’s Books to be editorial director.
At the beginning of 2011, she signed with the amazing Juliet Mushens of The Agency Group for her debut YA fantasy-adventure duology: The Oathbreaker’s Shadow and The Shadow’s Curse.
In 2014, she signed a significant deal with Simon & Schuster for The Potion Diaries, which is due out in Summer 2015.
She continues to be addicted to adventure, coffee and really great books.
For more information on the author see her blog.
This novel was truly a page turner, with lots of suspenseful and surprising notes. The author effectively made each detail interesting, despite the book's seemingly bland desert setting. Definitely one of the top books out of this year's selection!